On Halloween, we headed up to Philly, mainly to the Children’s Hospital there to see our neurologist, Eric, and to have Edda have a checkup. We try to go every six months, but we hadn’t been there in about a year and because Edda had such a scary seizure thing-y last month, we moved up her January appt to now. (They had also been antsy prescribing Edda’s seizure meds because they like to lay eyes on patients every six months to maintain the prescription support). Anyways, Edda seems so good, so happy on her upped meds (all the same, just more dosing) – Jeremy managed the increase during the month between the seizures and the appointment, so the appt, even though made in urgency, seemed not so urgent when we were there.
We brought Elka for this trip and during the appointment, (we had found a dog sitter via Rover – Hannah, hooray!), and Elka stayed near Rittenhouse Square a few blocks from Jeremy’s old apartment he stayed in after he graduated from college. And it was Halloween morning, so lots of littles running around going to school in their very, very cute costumes.
Then we headed to Kimberton to spend a few days with Bob and Katherine. Usually, we don’t do up Halloween, but there was a Halloween party that we needed to make an appearance at, so I pulled out our tried-and-true Halloween outfits.

The only thing I bought new was Elka’s super dog costume.

Jeremy’s a chef, Edda’s Waldo, Katherine is a celestial body and I’m a witch, though it appears that I’m veering into Harry Potter territory with the yellow pants and the graduation gown.

The day after Halloween – All Saint’s Day, Jeremy and I made a concerted effort to be on vacation. I had not brought my work computer or my personal computer. Jeremy, more prone to election anxiety, stayed off his phone. We ran, walked and cooked. I might have napped.

Katherine gave me her garden tour and I got inspiration from it.

And the dogs! We had so much fun with the doggies. Whimsey esp was very loving on Edda.