Friday night, I went out to celebrate Kristin’s birthday with a few of her girlfriends – who I did not know. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in this kind of situation, but it was just the four of us and because Kristin is lovely, her friends are also lovely, so funny! We went to Great Sage – a vegan restaurant. Delicious. I came home and Jeremy asked what we talked about and I said – “IUDs, period blood and vasectomies”. Hahahaha. It was a lot of fun for a Friday night! I had a mojito!

This was my tiny present to Kristen. I’m in a weird gift giving mood these days. I’m trying to not add clutter to anyone’s home, because I’m in such a declutting mood for our own house. This is not easy to do.

I love it when I meet friends of my friends. You’re right – they’re always great because my friends are great!