Our heater broke two nights ago, so the house is…cold. Well half-cold. We have two heaters, one for the upstairs (geothermal) and one for the downstairs (gas). The downstairs one is 20 years old and the motor burned out. We had our guy out yesterday to diagnose the issue and fingers crossed today, they’ll have the part and get it installed. I’m grateful that our bedrooms and offices are warm. It was 19F last night and will fall to 14F tonight. The downstairs is hovering around 57-60F.
Jeremy was going to be slightly upset if we had to replace the entire system because he wants to carefully consider the replacement because he doesn’t want to replace it with another gas furnace. But we might have had to do that with the pressure of a cold snap. And then we’d have a gas furnace for another 20 years. So he’s thinking about the system he wants installed in the near future because it’s going to need to be replaced sooner rather than later. Of course, we didn’t size the geothermal to do the entire house because…it was expensive and I didn’t think we could spare the money back then, but now we all wished we’d sized it bigger. Oh well. Hindsight is a thing.
It was too cold to eat dinner in the downstairs and we were contemplating having dinner upstairs. But instead we used it as an excuse to eat out at our favorite place A&Js, it’s fun to introduce Joab to Taiwanese food which he declared is really good. I’ve been trying to dial down just a little how much I’ve been eating since Christmas, so it’s been a few weeks since we’ve ordered a lot of food and I’ve eaten to complete satiety. Jeremy was in charge of the ordering and he ordered generously. It was glorious.