We went to a party at Boba’s house last night. Remember Boba is my true love so I go out of my way to see him. Boba’s mom does hold monthly get togethers and potlucks for friends and the parties usually have a theme. Saturday night’s theme was “sesame seeds and lemon grass”. Boba’s mom has the most talented cooking friends. I think it was the best potluck I’ve ever gone to. Vince had a particularly good time. Since the resident kids in the house are 2 and 4 years old, all the other invited kids were of similar age. Vince out-aged them by a decade and at some point had kids hanging off every limb and he was dressed up like Batman. Jeremy met a neighbor of the hostess and learned that she had 10 chickens in her backyard. He scored a dozen fresh eggs. mmmm…
Boba, is this fellow showed up at our house for the first time and peed/pooed to mark his (her) territory.