Damn, that’s ugly.

Our durable medical equipment guy delivered Edda’s new stroller today. OK, it’s not really a stroller – it’s the EZ Rider by Convaid, the “Compact Folding Support Wheelchair”. I got home before Jeremy and got the low-down from B. about how to fold it up. B. was relieved because she is actually the one who needs it the most as she puts Edda in a jogging stroller to pick up Vince from the bus stop and Edda was like a caterpillar in a cocoon – no wiggle room. It weighs a ton, I’m not sure how this will aid us in traveling light, but we will give it a go in a few weeks when I’m flying to CA by myself with the two kids.

Jeremy came home and saw the stroller in the kitchen and said, “Damn, that’s ugly.”


One thought on “Damn, that’s ugly.”

  1. Most “special needs junk” seems to fall in the “functional but ugly” category. I do hope that it makes traveling MUCH easier on all of you.

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