Uncle Louis last night treated us with his roasted duck together with a mixed vegetable plater. They were delicious.
Whole day, we talked about our Lee’s family past and present, including a lot of our family dark side. Well, some of them, you probably know. By looking back, it was dangerous close to total disaster for me. Maybe, Mom unconscientiously helped me a lot. She probably did not realize that. Of course, maybe, it was me. I got to give me some credits
I think , upstreams are only a couple of inches away along the continental divide (ie., critical moments). But, the downstream outlets are miles apart.
OK, someday when you are up for it, you have to tell me all the Lee super duper secrets. We all should know. And don’t worry about the total disaster part, I figure we are all only a moment away from total disater. One never know when a car is going to hit you.