A snowstorm came in today, so Vince and I stayed home and puttered. We are starting to work on day care stuff for Vince so I can start looking for work. We got the B.O.B. sport utility stroller today and tried it out on our evening walk. Plowed through the snow just fine.

Went to State College, PA, home of Penn State to see Sylvia, Bob’s mother. We stayed in a little house next to the retirement home that she stays at that is very much like the home we are about to buy. Seth, Christine, George and Jane were all there and it was a lot of fun and a bit stressful and tiring also. Bob babysat the kids and we all went out and sat around at Starbucks and talked and talked, it was nice. Vince was very good in the car, we switched the seat around to forward facing, we also got him his very own cell phone.

Got up at 10:30, thought it was going to be a dreary day, but I got my butt out of the house. Went to Target and Val-Kill, home of Eleanor Roosevelt. Also went out to dinner with Carrie and Asuka at the Eveready Diner to see the pics of the house they put an offer in on! Woo hoo, very excited for them…

Carrie came up from Wappinger Falls and we went to Tivoli and Rhinebeck together and explored. Tonight we went out to pizza. We are thawing out of the big snow storm. Two of the three Volvos have sold. We will see about the other one tomorrow.