My poor Vincie. The very first thing he said to me today was, “I have no friends.” And then in response to this statement, I said the most ridiculious thing and told him that Edda and I were his friends. AS IF that would help him out at all, as if that would help him out of his problem. He immediately replied, “I have no school friends.” which made my heart break right into the bowl of oatmeal I was feeding Edda. Then he crawled into my lap and curled himself up into a ball and stayed there for a while. So today we looked at a school called Appletree. It’s close to home, a 6 minute walk through the mall and they have classes 3 hours a day M-F and the classes start in January. We met Ms. Wendy and got an application form. So we’ll fill it our and sign up for it. If something better comes up sooner, we’ll do that instead. But at least we have a plan. Vince was clear he didn’t want to eat lunch or take a nap at school and at the Appletree he won’t have to. God, I hope we all find friends soon.
Hope, vince will go to school soon and he will have his school friends.