Big zits.

So there has been some administrative screwup with Edda’s blood
work. They had ordered a bazillion tests and the one test that we are
anxious about has been screwed up somehow. We know the test had been
ordered and that the blood sample needed to be sent to Texas, but
somehow we don’t have the results yet. Our neurologist is talking to
the director of the lab and trying to straighten stuff out.
Meanwhile, we just wait. I get mopey and pessimistic and Jeremy tries
to bolster my spirits up which results in Jeremy being a little bit
more snappish at the children which results in all of us being a bit
on edge.
We went to the dog park again today. Now that we have experienced
minivan, I don’t know how we are manage without one in the US, look
how well we fill this one up:

The most exciting news of the day is that Jeremy and I went on a 4
hour date! Edda’s aide from school, Gowri was up for babysitting so
she and her daughter came over and Jeremy and I went out! Don’t we
look cute? Can you see the 2 enormous zits on my face?

And the kids had a blast with Gowri and her daughter Vino.

4 thoughts on “Big zits.”

  1. It needs lots of energy and patient to take care of sick kids. Try to be do everything slow and steady. Drink green tea and have enough time to sleep definately will help. Go to bed after kids go to bed. Sleep is the most important. eat well. Looking at the screen does not help. But it is a computer age. If I can avoid to use computer, I will do it.

  2. YAY for a date with your DH!

    My DH and I went to the movie last Thursday night…we can’t remember the last movie that was just the two of us. It was nice to have that time together.


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