Edda likes school.

Just a little Edda update. She’s doing so well, I’m so happy for
her. When we first came back from the US, she hated school. Every day
when I picked her up, the teachers would tell me that she had wanted
to nap during class or that she was just upset and crying the whole
time. We left her there only for 90 minutes or so, not the full three
hours, but she was not happy most of the time. Then came the week of
illness and then again another week of crying at school. It was very
disheartening to me. I hate hearing Edda cry, I just want to pick her
up and take her home. On the wall, there are pictures of each kid in
the class and their schedules velcroed underneath and this is Edda’s
picture from the first weeks of school:

How sad is that? – that was the best picture they could get!
Poor girl.
But last week something happened, she finally got used to
everybody, got used to the schedule and got healthy! She loves school
now. When I pick her up (the full 3 hours) she’s so hyped up from
school, I have a hard time putting her down for a nap.

This is the scene when I pick up Edda. Vince joins in to sing the
goodbye song. He’s in the back plugging his ears because someone in
the class is screaming. But you can see Edda (the only face you can
see besides Ms. Joyce) and she’s so excited about singing! It’s
really great. Also the teachers today insisted to me that Edda said a word. I guess during circle time, they say the word “STOP!” and she apparently said “top!” in response. !?!!! Who knows, she may be verbal yet. I hope she isn’t like Vince and his Chinese and that she’ll use some of the words she learns at school at home. We will see, we will see.

4 thoughts on “Edda likes school.”

  1. I knew things would get better with Edda. I met a woman today who did not say a single word until she was 4. Vince and Edda sound like they are doing so great. You guys sound so happy. I miss you so much here. (BTW We’ll be in santa Barbara for Xmas) You MUST keep the car stories/antics coming. Today was a bit sad for me and after I read you parking elevator story I was just crying with tears of laughter. I can so relate to the anxiety you feel but you inspire me to face the fear. You are my hero. Keep parking girl!!! Love, Sheila

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