Summer and motivation wanes.

Jeremy’s out of town this week. Lucky guy, he gets to go to San Francisco and eat good cheese. I will not deny that I was a bit miffed on Sunday when he was scheduled to leave from Dulles – Jeremy really stabilizes the house routines – without him, I’m content to serve peanut butter, a bag of chips and some flat Coke for dinner. I’m not an inspired homebody.

At Port Discovery last weekend, I got my face painted:


One thought on “Summer and motivation wanes.”

  1. I so understand. Glad I’m not the only one. No motivation here in the summer at all. This morning Josh and I went out for breakfast at Kerby Lane for gingerbread pancakes and then just as we were going to get out of the heat and go to Barton Springs, it actually started to rain Wahoo! Forgotten what rain is almost. But that was our excuse to go to Sandy’s for lunch. I felt like a huge lump for the rest of the day and I DON’T have your girlish figure, it was salads for dinner. My family wasn’t that happy but I wasn’t interested in cooking anything (or eating). It is too darn hot here right now. 22nd day of triple digits. The weatherman should just go and vacation and put his newscast on a loop. It’s not like he’s going to tell us anything new.
    P.S. Love the necklace with the earrings.

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