I’m sick.


Well, it has been a cold, wet week here in the DC metro area. I’m a exhausted and a little sick. Nothing huge happened this week, just a bunch of little things that went awry that made me feel a little blue and now I’ve caught this cold (not the flu, no fever, no coughing). The weather has not been helping, it’s easy to feel blue when the skies seem to cry with you.

I’m feeling the most blue about the Rett Syndrome stroll-a-thon that is scheduled rain/shine for tomorrow. Coordinating the stroll is a huge undertaking (of which my part has been very, very small), so it’s just crappy that the weather is so crappy. The temperatures have been hovering in the low 40s (20 degrees colder than the seasonal average) all week and it’s predicted to rain all day tomorrow. Brr, not good weather for a stroll. We do have a plan B, we are gathering indoors at the movie theater right in front of the plaza where we would have gathered if the sun was shining. I’m still putting some finishing touches on some of the silent auction materials, I have about an hour’s work left, but since I’m sick I think I’m going to go to bed and finish in the morning.

If you’d like to donate to our valiant efforts to cure Rett Syndrome without having to go out in the cold and rain, here’s the link:

Donate here!

Be sure to designate “Fairfax, VA” as the program area and “Edda” in the comments for it to count towards our efforts tomorrow. Thank you faithful blog readers – good night to you all.

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