

Every morning, I walk four houses worth of kids to school. This morning walk may be the best part of the day, except for the moment I fall asleep at night (I do like to sleep). Ruby comes along and gets a treat from the school crossing guard! After I drop the kids off, I run for 1.5 miles around the neighborhood. “Run” is too ambitious a word, it’s more like slow trot.


4 thoughts on “Mornings.”

  1. No, sherah is right. my walk to work goes past a dodgy 7-11.

    The only thing that would make this more idyllic is a bakery at the end of the run with coffee + pastries.

  2. Yeah, a coffee and pastry shop would be a nice touch. But we do have a great italian ice and frozen custard place across the street from the playground around the corner from our house. At first I thought it would be hard to choose, but they have a thing called a gelati, which is a combination of custard and italian ice, so problem solved. Of course gelati it is not really a morning thing, but Doris doesn't drink coffee anyway.

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