It’s kind of odd seeing pictures of yourself. I do not spend a lot of time looking in the mirror, so I don’t think a lot about how I look. And then, on top of that, I so rarely see a photo of Jeremy and me together because I’m usually the one taking the pictures – we are looking good! Grey hairs all over the place, but keeping it strong.
We didn’t make a reservation at the place we wanted to eat last night, so we waited until 7:45 pm to eat which is like 3 hours after my dad likes to eat and like 90 minutes after I like to eat. We were very hungry when we sat down.
My brother took the red eye in from SF and came in at 6:15 this morning and made a beeline to our house (my parents picked him up). We are selling our old Honda Accord to him- 2003, about 80,000 miles. He’s driving it home after the Lee family reunion. It was Jeremy’s beloved car before we upgraded to our minivan. (I’m not sure getting a minivan is exactly an upgrade). Jeremy’s been having a blast driving the car around the past week as we get the oil changed and fluids topped off. Anyways, it’s a 10 year old car – but in storage 4 of those years (2 years when we were in SGP and the last 2 years since we got the minivan). But Donald’s old car is a Honda Accord that’s 15 years old with 270,000 miles on it, so our old car seems like a great upgrade.
The first thing Donald did to his “new” car was to install the iPhone mount. No one I know has this installed in their car, but apparently everyone Donald knows does this. I’m totally out of it.
Mmmm… Matchbox. Welcome back, Don! And Doris, you and Jeremy look great. 🙂