Weekend with Paul


Paul, Jeremy’s first post-college roommate, who is an accomplished runner and coach was looking over my training plan that I’m following for my next half marathon scheduled in a few weeks.   He was at the house this weekend for a brief end-of-summer visit.  We’d never met his wife nor his kiddo before, so it was really nice to have them stay at the house.  The house is a little too big for our needs (who am I kidding – we probably only need 1000 sq feet to live in comfortably), so we generally “seal” off the basement – and don’t let the kids play alone down there because whatever stuff is in storage down there usually ends up out of storage and all over the place (Easter eggs, Christmas ornaments, ping pong balls/sports equipment – I might have even once been greeted with huge piles of feathers), but we open it up for guests and this weekend we had a full house.  Katherine is here on her way to New Mexico – we had so many guests that we moved Edda into our room, which – other than the first night when she was confused where she was when she woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep and kept us all up half the night – has been just fine.

Anyways, back to the running.  It’s been a weird running season for me (usually there is a spring running season and fall running season – so if you are training for half or full marathon, you generally have one in the spring and one in the fall – except for the crazy people who run them all the time) – my running partner got her knee really hurt by galloping dogs – nothing running related and has been on crutches for weeks and probably will be recovering for another few weeks – so my motivation has been pretty spotty for running this race.  There is nothing like doing a 9 or 10 mile run alone in the early morning to really question why one is doing the crazy thing.  We also got Edda’s new wheelchair which I thought I could take running with me (which I can and I have).  And then my ankle feels a little twing-y and my lower back is a little sore.  So the training has been a little unfocused and confused.  But Paul looked at my running plan and suggested some tweaks to it and I feel a little better about it all.  We will see what happens.

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