Someday I will tire of using these photo filters on flickr, but right now they amuse me. It’s been beautiful these past few days – especially Monday when the temps flirted with the 70s. Ruby certainly enjoyed her mid-day walk.
I went to a few study sessions at school today – normally I skip these in favor of doing my regular job which – you know – pays my mortgage, but there is an exam tomorrow which I needed some insight on, so I went to the study sessions and now I’m skipping class to get back to work in a few minutes.
I am trying to juggle a lot of things and when I actually say them all aloud to interested parties, it seems really crazy – but I’ll let you in on my secret – I’ve really lowered my standards. So I’m not doing as well as I’d like in school, nor am I meeting my usual production levels at work, nor am I micromanaging my children’s social and academic life and the laundry is never folded (although it might never have been folded promptly even when I was doing much less) and so everything is a little at loose ends.
I’m really looking forward to Dec 15 when the semester is over and I’ll get 3-4 weeks of downtime.
Look at this handwriting! So beautiful. I’m a little jealous.