
This is the week I’m starting to feel like myself again since I started sprinting the week of Thanksgiving.  After a very tightly scheduled fall term and an incredibly hectic and wonderful holiday season, I need this little bit of time to fall back into my beloved routines.  I have a couple of weeks before school starts up again, the kids are back in school (Vince has mid-year exams next week) and I’m closing out the first quarter at work this week.  I’m using this time to get myself up to speed on first-inventor-to-file prosecution rules vs first-inventor-to-invent rules as first-inventor-to-file went into effect last year and those cases are finally bubbling up to the top of my docket.

I’m also using this time to connect back up with friends in the neighborhood.  I essentially disappeared socially from my neighborly rounds and I expect that I will again when the term starts, so I’m meeting up with pals at the local ice cream parlor to catch up.  Yes, the local ice cream place is open all winter and people hang out there in the morning for a cup of coffee…

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