Sewing, walking with Maxi, Taiwanese dinner.


Friday morning, I headed over to Virginia to see my friend Vickey and her mom, Gina.  Gina is my serious enthusiast sewing person.  She can make any sewed item – costumes, quilts, suit jackets, curtains, seat cushions, she’s altered her daughter’s wedding dresses taking care of beading and fancy lace trim.  She has 4 sewing machines, 3 of which are close to $1000, but she has one inexpensive portable one that she takes to quilting classes and she recommended that I buy that one – $140 – to use for Edda’s bibs.

She spent the morning teaching me how to use the machine and a number of different approaches to making Edda’s bibs.  Some approaches mimick the blanket stitch that I used when I hand-make Edda’s bibs and others using fancier finishing techniques for the edges.


She gave me the cutest sewing box too!


Filled with all the great sewing things ever – extra bobbins, all colors of thread, extra scissors.  It’s really fun to learn something from someone who really loves the thing they are teaching you and has spent years thinking about it – it almost doesn’t matter what it is.  Now I’m dreaming of quilts and dresses – maybe someday.  Or maybe it’ll just be a stack of Edda’s bibs.



We went walking in the afternoon at the C&O canal.


Maxi happily joined the walk.  She’s adjusting to being an only dog which deserves its own blog post.  As an aside, the vet dropped Ruby’s ashes off on Thanksgiving day, just as the party was starting, so Ruby was home for Thanksgiving.  I was a little bummed that she didn’t live a few more weeks to have the turkey as it is her (and every dog’s) favorite holiday.



That evening the whole set of Edda and Vince’s grandparents went out to dinner – we went to Taipei Cafe, where we ordered a bunch of dishes which made us all nostalgic for Taiwan!


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