Sewing book, angry birds, parents.


While I was putting on my running shoes this morning, I noticed in the bookshelf the Singer Sewing Book!  It goes with Jeremy’s Grandma Edda’s sewing machine.  With such gems like – “Never place a machine where it is hard to reach.  Let it be a part of your household equipment as much as your electric iron or mixer.”  or “Prepare yourself mentally for sewing.  Think about what you are going to do.”  and “When you sew, make yourself as attractive as possible.  Go through a beauty ritual of orderliness.  Have on a clean dress.” and “Again sewing must be approached with the idea that you are going to enjoy it, and if you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop in or your husband come home and you will not look neatly put together, you will not enjoy your sewing as you should.”


Maybe I should not let my husband see me like this:


I came home from a run just in time to high five Jeremy on his way out on a bike ride.  No child care days means a more tightly run ship.  I wanted to have lunch with my parents at noon with Jeremy.  Jeremy wanted to go on a 3.5-4 hour ride, which meant that I needed to be back from my run at 7:30 ideally, which means I should be out the door by 6:15.  That did not quite happen, I ended up reading the sewing book and procrastinating getting out the door, so I didn’t get home until almost 8 am, which resulted in a quicker turnaround than would have been ideal.


While Jeremy was out, I scooted Edda into a chair with a safety belt and put her in front of the TV so I could see her from the garage and then my neighbor Mike came by with his miter saw to help me with my Angry Birds catapult.  I am scared of this saw.


So I needed Mike to help me with the bracing 45 degree angles.


And we got it put together.  Don’t get too excited.  It broke after this.



And look!  my parents are back on the East Coast.  They came over for chinese food for lunch.


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