Earth Treks, toilet, Kindle

I am a member of two gyms: the Rockville pool’s gym and Earth Trek’s gym. How on earth did I become a member of two gyms, I will never know. Apparently I like going to gyms where the main focus is not the gym, where the gym is an afterthought and tacked onto a little side room off of the main attraction. I hardly ever go swimming at the pool (thought I have swimsuits) and I rarely go climbing at the climbing gym (though I have climbing shoes). I’ve been going more frequently to the Earth Trek’s gym in the past year, but I have been, in the past, more loyal to the pool’s gym. I love the pool’s gym because a lot of neighbors go to that gym and it’s filled with 70-year-olds getting their workout in. I love Earth Trek’s gym because it’s filled with girls who can do like 5 pull ups in a row. I can be a strange gym goer, I like to nod hello to people, but not actually talk to them. I’ve recently been taking Edda to Earth Treks. There is a table right in front of the glass walled gym that I can set her up at and she happily watches TV while I do whatever it is I want to do and mostly keep an eye on her – though these days, she does quite well on her own. I do wonder, since I’m essentially in another room, if people walk by Edda and look around for a family member, but they seem to not care. Also, the handicapped parking spot is never, ever taken and is not only the closest spot to the front door, but it’s the only shaded spot in the whole lot, so bringing Edda is an outing for her and generally a net-benefit for me.

Edda the gym observer

I did some plumbing work today. Our main toilet was having phantom flushes, so I had to replace the main plunger-thingy.

No more water wasting.

I’m trying to read more. Experimenting with the kindle and borrowed library books. I’m starting easy by reading children’s books. Wolf Hollow first, now Graceling which is quite good. I’ve been following Jeremy’s example of falling asleep because I’m having trouble sleeping and winding down at night the kindle’s screen is gently lit (softer than my phone) and not connected to the internet, we can turn off all the lights in the bedroom and quietly read and fall asleep as we are reading. I even prop the Kindle up on a stuffed animal, so I don’t even have to hold it up as I’m reading. Granted, in the morning, we have to go hunting for the kindles (and the stuffed bear, but it’s not bad.

Kindle in hand

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