Juice pouch vs beer, Costco,

Vince hosted a party on Friday night. Jeremy hosted a party on Saturday night. Vince’s party was non-alcoholic. Jeremy’s was kind of alcohol centered.

Juice boxes.

But this meant that when Vince was having his party, we had to leave all the beer in the car because it just seemed weird to be bringing in cases of beer into a teenager-y party. So we didn’t bring the beer into the house on Saturday morning.


Jeremy’s 51st birthday was on Saturday. We celebrated by going to Costco and spending about $800. New glasses for Jeremy. Loading up on supplies for Edda’s classroom (kleenex, clorox wipes, paper towels) and party supplies and the week’s grocery shopping. I’m hoping these glasses will solve all 40% of my marital problems since about 40% of my conversations with Jeremy are about how bad his eyes are and how all 4 pairs of glasses are inadequate in some way and he can’t read anything.

So much Costco.

Jeremy hosted a “fun”draiser for our friend Cindy who is running for Rockville City Council on Saturday night. It’s nice to host a party because the house gets scrubbed down to be presentable (Vince didn’t scrubbed down the house for his party.)

Stump speech!
Our living room.

Sunday night dinner birthday cake for Jeremy. I missed this! 🙁 Trust me, we do have an anniversary/birthday celebration planned that is more involved that Costco and trips to the diner.


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