Edda’s going to homecoming this weekend. On her own. Edda has a very enthusiastic teacher who is chaperoning the dance. And there is a Best Buddies club with students who want to include the special ed students more into the community. The teacher insists that Edda’ll be in the mix on the dance floor and not off to the side. It’s very sweet. There is only one other kid from Edda’s class who is going, we’ve not met him, but he’s a social butterfly and loves dances. I’m not sure if Edda is going to love it or if she’s going to be determined to fall asleep in her wheelchair. Kitachi and I took Edda to Montgomery Mall to find a good outfit since we had the day off for YK. I was a little surprised that the girl teens that we know suggested Macy’s as the place to go (it seems unhip to me, but what do I know?) and we found a *fabulous* outfit for Edda (though they forgot to take the don’t-steal-me sensor off and I’ll have to go back tomorrow). I’ll show you the ones we didn’t choose. You’ll have to wait for the big reveal on Sat.

I’m calmer about college applications these days – maybe even a bit excited instead of worried. Vince went to the Rutger’s visit to his high school and came back enthusiastic about it and then promptly wrote down the times when the other schools were visiting to try to make it to those sessions. He’s planning on going to a UOregon reception downtown this weekend. He’s interested in chemical engineering, chemistry and food science. Maybe microbiology? The food science is an interesting angle to me.