Jeremy went to the Chinese market yesterday because Vince wanted some ingredients to make Korean food and spicy ramen. Of course, my mom had a list as well. I don’t think they’ve been to the Chinese grocery store since early January when the coronavirus news started trickling out of Wuhan. This resulted in text messages of various Chinese vegetables and cuts of meat. Jeremy’s only outings have been to the grocery stores. Jeremy has been struggling a bit with Edda’s care & school meetings and the cooking and trying to work. Edda’s seizure activity has also picked up in the last few days with the accompanying falling to the ground events, so it is with great relief that our regular caregiver Kitachi will be back during the work days to help us out for the foreseeable future.
Instead of graduation, prom, finals, ap tests, actually learning chemistry, etc. etc. – we got this sign from the PTA for Vince’s senior year. Vince was very excited to put it up in the yard. When I think of what his future college experience might be, I get very sad. I got emails from my alma maters saying that all activities through the end of summer have been cancelled. I’m resigned to thinking fall will be online. What is college if it is online? Last night, at dinner, I asked Vince – what happens if you are on campus for only a month and a half the entire time? He said, no worries, I make friends fast – it’ll be ok. I have to remember that it won’t be a bad experience, it’ll be a different experience. Vince is so excited, he is just beaming. After he put the deposit in, he tried to put the deposit down for housing. The server kept crashing and has been down for days. I said, ah, welcome to the UC system. 😛
As for me, I’m trying to get enough sleep. There is enough time to get enough sleep and I’m in bed for at least 9 hours, but sometimes it’s impossible to sleep well.