Edda woke up yesterday with a bloody nose! I was dawdling and already running a little late for morning prep for the bus at 7:10 am. But I managed to squeeze a shower into the morning schedule and clean her up and catch the bus. I’m super impressed with myself. Though I think it makes me realize that I can hit the snooze button a couple of times before I really have to get up.

Jeremy got his second Pfizer shot yesterday. The first shot, he drove 100 miles for (one way) to the underutilized Salisbury mass vax site, the second shot he drove about three miles to our closest CVS. Now just Vince on 5/7 for his 2nd moderna. Jeremy’s trying to figure out how the vaccine is messing with his recovery from biking training. He has this “body battery” on his Garmin watch and claims he can see that in the middle of the night last night, his body went to work making antibodies. Usually at night, he recovers steadily throughout but last night, a couple of hours in, his body stopped recovering and reached some plateau and just stayed there. Does this make any sense? I find it a little amusing that for the second half of life, Jeremy and I have switched tendencies in certain areas. Jeremy has become more and more data driven and loves tracking things and putting things on spreadsheets whereas I’ve become more feeling based and less and less interested in data. I think the most important things can’t be measured. But I think we were the opposite way when we first met. Also I used to be the quiet one and Jeremy the verbose, but we’ve also switched positions on that. I spend a lot of time talking, Jeremy spends more time thinking.

And he made himself a celebratory dinner – peruvian chicken on a weekday night. Delicious.