I went to the canal on Sunday to run eight miles. Beautiful day, beautiful long run. There are so many things that I want to do as a daily practice, but I’m unable to make it happen. But I usually can fit a run in most days. Unlike blogging! I want to blog everyday! Sometimes I think that nothing interesting happens during the day, so why blog? It’s because I’ve stopped taking a lot of photos and this started mainly as a photo blog and I can’t anchor a blog post without a photo. I think I’m going to try to reboot the photo habit. I lost interest in photos when everyone got into it…

Jeremy took me out on a date on Sunday! We have weekend care again – Eliana is back after more than a year apart. We had takeout A&Js, went to REI (where neither of us bought anything. as usual) and then went grocery shopping where I picked out all the yogurt flavors. Classic J&D date.

I’ve been slowly reducing my PPE at the hospital. I work on a non-covid unit, FYI. I wore my standard n95, surgical mask covering the n95 and face shield long after I was vaccinated – like until three weeks ago. And slowly week by week, I tapered down. First I ditched the surgical mask. Then I went down from my uncomfortable n95 mask to another type of n95 mask which I think doesn’t seal as well, but is way, way more comfortable. Then yesterday, I took off my face shield. And then I found out while packing up to go home, we had a covid positive patient on the unit. Negative a few days ago, but then was positive when they tried to clear them for surgery. Yikes! Not my patient, obvs. But still.. thank goodness we are all vaccinated.