We celebrated George’s birthday on Sunday with Domino’s pizza and donuts. A fun night had by all.

I attached the dishwasher to the garden hose and rigged up some electrical adapter to be able to run the dishwasher in our garage. We got our familiar error code. I promised myself that I’d make one good effort to fix this thing (which broke in Sept 2020) before I call it a day (or a half year) and spend $800 on a new dishwasher. I pray to the appliance gods, sometimes I can fix for $25 dollars and an afternoon of time.

Jeremy made me this beautiful sandwich for my shift yesterday.

A rare shift selfie. It was a quiet shift – so quiet that we emptied and sent home half the unit and had to send a nurse home too! Not me unfortunately, I kept my full load of patients.

Here’s Edda rocking her stander and watching TV.