Ivy is getting braver and more settled into the house. Today I caught her leaping onto the dining room table to investigate Edda’s dollop of yogurt (Ivy loves yogurt) – lol, thank goodness it was before I put in Edda’s seizure meds in it. Ivy did not get any yogurt. I quickly shooed him away when I realized what was happening. But now I have to mind Edda’s seizure/yogurt concoction more closely.

The Usual Suspects met at Founding Farmers last night (indoor dining! first time since the last time which was also at FF for Vince’s birthday) and all I got was this photo of diapers. We talked about our girls and our lives. There was crying & we closed the place down like we usually do. We packed and unpacked minivans side by side with equipment/supplies. Talked about portable pulse ox monitors. We were together last night.