I’m still looking (albeit kind of slowly) for evening care for Edda. We’ve had a few leads, but they fell through (not vaccinated, schedule mismatched). At full child care capacity, I hardly touched Edda Monday morning through Friday evening. We had an hour of morning care and then about 3 hours of care in the evenings (Edda is attending an aftercare program until about 5:30 pm). But now we have neither. So now those hours are mine to do – feeding Edda, picking Edda up, doing the nighttime routine. I do enjoy caring for Edda because we do become closer to each other (her care for now, is easy, predictable and not stressful, it’s just time and attention) and I’m finally meeting people in her aftercare which she has gone to for over five years and were, for the most part, strangers to me. And if I’m honest, I do like having the house to ourselves. Of course, this is at the expense of the other things I like to do. I like to do a lot of things – ha ha, but those things need to be put aside for now. You might be asking – well, what about Jeremy, why don’t you split the Edda-care? What’s fair? What’s square? Well, he is great at Edda-care and does it all when I work at the hospital. But mostly because, he does all the food in the house – the cooking, shopping, kitchen cleaning, lunch packing (both me and Edda) – and these things are done in parallel with my Edda care. When we did have childcare, all those hours I spend with Edda now were released to me (during which I was able to do my own thing with not a word from Jeremy – usually I was working, but oftentimes, I was pursuing my own interests which included nightly Spanish exchange lessons which are now pretty much on hold), while Jeremy still and always made breakfast/lunch/dinner for all of us.
Vince called yesterday and I got the report from the first day of class. He showed me his notes that he’s taking – all about Reynolds number and laminar flow and Maxwell’s equations. He was like, you know the math professor? he really likes math. I laughed and says, that’s usually how it works – your professors generally really like the thing that they are teaching you. Usually obsessively interested in some unhealthy way. Why would anyone want to know so much about math? (Ha ha, just kidding. I’m just a generalist, not a specialist like all those professors out there.) Apparently the math professor derived Maxwell’s equation the first day (the class is culminating in one knowing how to do it) but Vince doesn’t realize this and is furiously note taking wondering what a curl is and wondering if he was supposed to know all of this already and the answer is no. The prof did the whole semester in an hour. I’m not sure I would have taken that approach. Jeremy was in meetings all day and couldn’t talk to Vince and so I recounted the conversation with Vince to him and Jeremy sighed – Dimensionless numbers are so cool. lol. And Reynolds number is the very first one.
Dimensionless numbers are so cool… That should be a bumper sticker. It’s oddly calming.