I went to Vickey’s house on Saturday – a beautiful day to spend with her and her mother (and Bert, though Bert was usually doing his own thing after saying his hellos and hanging out for the regular amount of time that one expects a kid to hang out with grown ups). Edda came with and we all had a nice time. Vickey is a wonderful hostess, always has delightful things made, but not fussy at all. She made Ina Garten’s favorite turkey sandwich which was delicious – I packed the extra sandwich which Jeremy ate for dinner. Edda, though, preferred the chocolate chip cookies. Edda peed through her whole outfit – I had only packed extra pants, so I gave her my Mickey Mouse shirt (which was under a zip up hoodie which I zipped up to hide the fact that I was now shirtless) and when I came out of the bathroom, Vickey was like – oh! She has the same shirt as you and I said – no, I just gave her my shirt and then Vickey gave me one of her shirts that I’ve seen her in many times and now I’m wearing it like two days later because it reminds me of Vickey and I like it and I think I get to keep it. 🙂 I took a picture of only the sandwich – none of the people.

Jeremy, at the same time, went biking all day with a friend! He has no picture of the friend, only himself. I think he inadvertently went on a mountain bike trail with his road bike.

On Sunday, I worked at the hospital – I knew we were going to be short – I had peeked at the staffing levels the last time I was there and we were short and I was overwhelmed, but I managed. I’m off for a long time until October when I signed up to work a bunch because the new software is kicking in on October 9th and I’ll need to practice. I saw the doctors trying to figure out the new system while I was working – everyone has to learn new ways to place orders, dispense medications, admit/discharge patients. Jeremy went to Sunday night dinner. Bette’s been in the hospital a couple of weeks, but is doing well enough to be discharged soon to rehab.

Can you even see what is going on here? Look at the thing that Jeremy is riding. It’s a trainer that has no bike on it – but it has a seat and handlebars – no front wheel and just resistance where the back wheel should be. He’s been looking at this thing for a while, wanting to buy it but hesitated at the price. It came up on a used list – facebook? craigslist? – and he bought it on Sunday. The person he bought it from is a serious biker, she mainly likes biking outside and wanted to try indoor biking and bought this crazy indoor trainer and tried it a few times and didn’t like it. So Jeremy drove over to Alexandria yesterday to buy it. Jeremy does 90% of his training indoors. This thing tilts up when his little avatar goes up a virtual hill. He likes it because his regular bike often needs repair and he rushes to repair it because he doesn’t want to lose a day of training. (Before, he mounted his regular bike on a kind of flywheel trainer – so his bike attached to a small trainer to do his indoor riding). But now he can take his time repairing and ordering parts and tools and also avoid some adjustments that always came with taking a bike on and off the small trainer. A few days ago, while we were falling asleep he said – I think I’m not going to make my goal next week (for those not following along – the goal is to climb Mt Diablo in under an hour). I said 8% is a lot to take off an hour-long race. He said – yeah and I was in great shape in 2018. But I think I can PR. A few more days of training and then – travel.