There was a lot of biking. Jeremy, Seth and Emy (who eventually got a bike seat and pedals from Seth – but ended up getting 3 (!) flats over the course of the week) biked together and separately. Jeremy is KOM (king of the mountain) on a Strava segment that only 8 people have done – so hopefully he will keep it a while. Jeremy also went up a “famous” mountain race course in which he placed in the bottom 20% which never happens (he’s almost always top 10% (?)). It’s because it is the course of a “famous” race, but apparently not many amateurs travel to this remote spot to do the course. Anyways, I guess it’ll remind Jeremy that he is not a professional bike rider no matter how much he wants to be. Seth both bike and ran. I only ran. I have no bike, but all this bike talk over the vacation made me feel like buying a bike for myself.

There was hiking both locally and around the Renouf Ranch. Andy and Rita showed up for a few days in the middle there.

We also saw Hawk’s family.

The Swedes left for Chicago on the 30th and the vacation became a little quieter. We puzzled (but did not finish despite our best efforts).

We said goodbye to Seth and Emy on the 2nd when we headed to ABQ for our flight and they headed to ABQ to stay with Seth’s family for another week.

Noteworthy #1: I’m friends with Felix – my nephew-in-law. Felix can be a lot, but he’s a boy after my own heart. A techie in a family of historians.

Noteworthy #2: Edda and Vince, my beloveds, thank you for being such great travelers and such good sports. Letting us drag you here and there and making you sleep in a tent and/or outside and shower in unfamiliar places. Esp. Vince who is straddling the place between child and grownup and who doesn’t have to spend winter vacation in a rural spot with very little cell service with his crazy, crazy family. You both have my whole heart and all my love.
