Birthday and masking.

Vince is 20 today! He called last night thanking me for being born – that he likes his life and is grateful for it – even though the world is going to hell in a handbasket. And I am grateful to him for making me a mother. I apologized that his childhood was bookended with 9/11 and then the pandemic/threat of a world war/climate change, etc. I have been a mother for 20 years! My kids turning 20, 18 and me turning 50 this year has made me cry. Motherhood was nothing like I thought it was going to be and, at the same time, exactly how it was supposed to be. Lots of struggle/sadness and lots of happiness and triumph. Vince, may the force be with you. I love you always Vincie.

Megan, one of Edda’s teachers, came over for dinner last night. Edda was very happy to see her outside of school! Masking became optional in schools today – pretty much 2 years to the day since the pandemic closed the schools down. Megan assured us that she’d continue masking and that she felt that most of the kids would mask in the classroom, but unsurprisingly, the bus driver and bus aide showed up today without masks and said -hey, you know, you don’t have to mask anymore. We sent Edda in a mask today, I’ll see how it goes. I’m not too worried about Edda, she’s tripled vaxxed and has a good set of lungs and can clear them pretty well, but there are people who can’t.

One thought on “Birthday and masking.”

  1. Wow I cannot believe Vince is 20. Both he and Edda have grown up so fast. Where has the time gone? Good job Doris. They are both such good humans.

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