Jeremy podiumed in his last race! Look at these old guys living their best lives. haha. Jeremy texted me this photo as soon as he got it, but waited three hours until he got home to tell me that he fell off his bike.

About 60% through the race, Jeremy was trying to eat a Clif bar while riding downhill and mishandled the attempt and fell. He was alone, he did not hit his head or break any bones, but he has many patches of road rash. Shoulder, elbow, hip, knee. He managed to get up, dismiss the sending of an emergency beacon (his bike computer is set to text me in case he crashes, but it checks with Jeremy first before sending it out), and continue riding another 3 hours.

I’m relieved that he is OK (of course, I would prefer no accidents) and since I dress wounds for a part-time living, I bandaged his knee up last night and redressed it this morning.
Oh man poor Jeremy. That looks painful. Good thing he’s got you nurse Doris!