We are taking care of Pip during the summer while Kiki and Bob are traveling to New Mexico. I took him to the dog park for the first time today. They’ve been resurfacing the mulch with astroturf which I’m undecided on, so it’s been closed the last week. I can only exercise the dogs so much – it takes a lot to wear out Elka – and they have completely different walking personalities, so optimally they should each get separate walks which sometimes happens and sometimes does not and they were bouncing off the walls today. It took a little while for the vaccination records to be cleared up at the front gate, but we made it into the park and Pip was happy. Living his best life.

I’m still training for this marathon. You know what is useful about having a partner who trains 16-20 hours a week and does races which range from 5-7 hours? One’s own marathon training seems totally reasonable and not very much training. I try to not think too hard about training, the paces or the time or the distance. I like to run, I like to get faster, and I like to take it seriously, but not too seriously. I, unlike Jeremy, have no hope of being on any podium of any race. Paul is still sending me weekly workouts, which I, for the most part, follow. But sometimes I change it. Which is why to my surprise and kind of shock, last night I dinner, Jeremy and I calculated that I ran 47 miles last week. Here’s how it sussed out:
- M – 6 miles, 80 min NYC. Slow over bridges – lots of stopping and navigating.
- T – 10 miles, 2 hours 5 min NYC, I wanted to get to Prospect park, beautiful day. I thought this would be 7-8, but it turned into 10.
- W – 1 hour easy – 5 miles (with Elka)
- R – 8.75 miles 90 min on treadmill at 10:15 pace
- F – off
- S – 1 hour easy – 5 miles
- S – 13 miles on the canal – this took almost 2.5 hours (11:49 / 11:10 / 11:07 / 11:09 / 11:14 / 11:01 / 11:07 / 11:05 / 10:56 / 10:43 / 10:38 / 10:39 / 10:19). I did run the extra 0.1 to make it a half marathon
So, way way more than I usually would do, the NYC runs were entirely of my doing because I wanted to do it, but the rest were workouts that Paul sent me. This, I think, is too much running right now, but it felt good. I feel strong.