After I wrote that love note to Jeremy, predictably I got searingly mad at him Thursday afternoon when he forgot to pick up Edda from camp. Now, he technically didn’t “forget”, he made a mistake. He knew he was supposed to pick Edda up and was remembering it, but he had traveled to Chicago earlier this week and his computer clock was an hour behind all day on Thursday. (How he made it to 4pm without fixing it, I have no idea since his meetings all day were strangely an hour off?). Context is that we have both been traveling all week (Jeremy Fri/Sat (bike race), Doris Sun/Mon/Tues (NYC trip), Jeremy Tues/Wed (Chicago), Jeremy Fri/Sat (bike race)) and the cancelling of the aftercare camp thing has thrown me for a terrible loop which I have been dealing with all week, calling/emailing, following up, buying flowers/chocolate for camp staff dropping in to maintain those relationships after the goodbye and I was busy Thursday night (Sofie’s summer camp performance) – so I asked Jeremy on the one day we are together to pick Edda up at camp. So when I got off the treadmill at 4 pm, and walked into the hallway and noticed Jeremy’s office door closed, I thought to myself – he’s still there even though he should be at camp, I opened the door, saw him at his desk and promptly yelled at him for not picking up Edda. Then he looked at me and said whatever he said (something about his computer clock), and grabbed his keys and said the exact wrong thing – which was “Where do I go?” And then I got furious at him and then he got mad at me and said – “don’t yell at me, I haven’t picked her up all summer! I don’t know where to go! they change the spot all the time” and then I got whatever the feeling is after furious – enraged? fuming? Also context, I had, at 11 am (five hours before pickup), totally aced a nurse practitioner interview to a program (What kind of work setting do you imagine yourself in when you are nurse practitioner? ummm, doing camp drop/off and pick up? oh, I forgot! There is no camp at age 23. There is only me.) to start in 5 weeks to which I have already (mostly) decided I can’t go to because I have to deal with so much Edda stuff. <- This is not true. If I really wanted to go, I would figure out the Edda thing, no problem.
Now, normally, I think I would not get mad at this. I understand that your computer can be an hour behind because you were in Chicago. But, I’m going to launch into the most boring thing ever, which is pick up and drop off logistics. Normally, I have Grace doing both the drop off/pick up of Edda. Fine, easy, she lives on our street. Isabella takes care of Edda in the afternoon/evenings, but does not drive. So Grace gives both Isabella and Edda a ride home from camp. Also good! But, literally there are 10,000 exceptions. For example, this week there is staff meeting on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings to which Edda is actively discouraged to attend, so I pick up/drop off those days. Weekly, Isabella has a standing therapy appt on Thursdays, so she can’t come those days, so I remind Grace to not expect Isabella on Thursdays, but on Tuesdays to drive only Isabella back home after the staff meeting because I would have picked up Edda before the staff meetings. Isabella also texted on Monday saying she couldn’t work that afternoon and would that be OK? Grace – texted on Wed that she couldn’t do carpooling on Thursday/Friday because she’d be out of town attending college orientation. I have like so many other people’s schedules to overlay on my own schedule and it literally is musical cars because the combination of people/cars is approaching some combinatorial limit and it pretty much means I have to clear those times on my calendar, so even though I’m not driving (which is good), I have to be prepared to drive. Anyways, Jeremy is not aware and does not have to remember any of these details. He does not have to remember when camp starts or ends. It’s infuriating. It will never be resolved.
Anyways, so boring. And we are mostly made up, he left for his biking race trip this weekend and we are mostly friendly towards each other again. I also know he wanted to leave at 4-5 pm (aka before dinner), but he picked up Edda and Isabella at camp on Friday, made dinner, cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes and left after all the chores were done – dogs walked, Edda in bed. Also, there is good news on the camp front, I think I’ve found another spot for Edda not too far from the house. I’ve gotten a clearer picture of what prompted the closing of Edda’s camp and the things that they have had to deal with and I’m things are probably going to resolve ok. I talked seriously with our provider about the hard time we have staffing for Edda this past year and listened to a resolution and I also may have found someone (who is committed to another family) to might be willing to squeeze us into her schedule in the fall. (Again – all below Jeremy’s radar. Please, just pick Edda up. At 4 pm.).
I went to Sofie’s Guys and Dolls performance on Thursday night. I was tired and not sociable, but it was lovely as all drama performances are.