It is hot here today! But we were outside this morning, Jeremy biking and me at the dog park with the doggies and Edda at camp. I’m working 3 shifts at the hospital in 6 days which is a totally normal amount to work, but unusual for me. So I’m trying to rest a bunch and taking time off the desk job. I finished my first shift yesterday, the next is tomorrow, I’ll have the weekend off and then finally the last one on Monday. Then I don’t have to be at the hospital when Vince is here! I came home last night and snuggled with the doggies. I think I look a lot like my mom in this photo.

We are hosting Tianpei for a month while he is between gigs.. He told me that he made it to the final round of auditions for the NY Phil (violin) a few years ago. Then I realized I have no shame anymore. I’ll practice my dorky ukulele right in front of him, no problem – basically playing Mary had a Little Lamb, missing notes, slightly out of tune and not on the beat. But I don’t care. I would have been mortified to do that 25 years ago.
Enjoyed. You Do look like your mother in this photo 🌈