OMG, I almost fell over laughing when Vince texted this photo…it’s been pouring in Davis (as it has been for the past week and will continue to do so for the next week) and we’ve been concerned about Vince biking to school in the pouring rain, he has a raincoat, but no pants so we got him some rain pants in bright yellow (his request).

Also, for black friday, they were offering DNA testing for half price, so I snagged it and gave it to Vince because I figured that if he tested, there would be no need for either of us to test. It was completely unremarkable and 100% expected: 1/2 Chinese, 1/4 Jewish, and 1/4 other white European.

Elka got spayed yesterday, poor girl. She was not happy yesterday. Of course, I’ve taken care of many, many patients who have gotten TAH-BSO (total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy – uterus & ovaries removed) and I, of course, if I had full IV access, I’d have given her IV morphine or dilaudid (at least one dose in the early/middle of the afternoon and maybe a 2nd dose 3-4 hours later) and transitioned her to an oral opioid to get her through the night. But I didn’t have any of that, of course. All I got was doggie ibuprofen for the morning! not even at night! She was not happy and she got carried around yesterday. But she did all the post-op stuff that I wanted her to do as soon as she got home, she ate, peed and pooped. She got to sleep in our bed last night too. She is much, much better this morning – actually much better than most of my post op day #1 patients. Walking, pooping, eating – a little butt wiggle of happiness, but still recuperating.

What are all of the college thing doesn’t work out? Vince can always be a fisherman. Give Elka an extra doggy treat for me.