Jeremy’s day yesterday in SF. Beautiful day – he did see his boss at his house and met his wife and kid(s?). In addition to the special meetings he has arranged, he also took his regular weekly zoom meetings on various things, but he’s been doing it with another person sitting next to him – I guess either in the office or maybe with his boss at his work-from-home station. And Jeremy finds it so incredibly helpful to have just another human to interact with, to mute and confer to discuss the meeting afterwards, to enjoy going to lunch with. This work-from-home is great in many ways, but it’s a tremendous loss in many other ways.
So I have started meditating and the main goal is to increase focus and decrease distracting voices in my head. I’m also trying to not pick up my phone as much, so I installed this extra big widget on my home screen.
I’m actually not trying to minimize phone use as I use it to read books and learn musical instruments. I don’t set a time limit on anything, I just want the music lessons and the reading to peek out as one of the top six apps listed. The most surprising thing is that I actually spend a lot of time texting during the day. I would have said I’m a low texter, but the time suggests otherwise – I probably spend 45 min to an hour every day texting (Yikes!). Pokemon go is my go-to distracting game – it’s not very addicting, but it’s something to do when you are waiting around and also – it encourages a walk outside. So the time spent on Pokemon Go is *usually* walking time (though not always).