Camp & kayaking.

Edda started camp on Monday. We love summer camp! It’s not without hiccups. I do the AM dropoff and Ginny does the afternoon pickup. Ginny has has some trouble with the afternoon pickup routines, we’ve already had a one-on-one counselor quit on us. But we are managing and Edda has been in the pool and has gone on field trips and – as far as I know – hasn’t had a disastrous poop incident. Whew.

We got to see V’s new accessible van – with a toilet and bed and it was very impressive and exciting.

Last night, I got to go kayaking at Little Falls. It was exhilarating and unbelievable and I felt so alive. I came home muddy and wet and with leaves settled into my sports bra and felt like I was a child exploring the world. This was part of my class, I would never ever do this on my own or even with friends that I didn’t know very well. There were about 6 students and 3 instructors each with decades of water experience. They taught us the line, they gave us pointers – keep going, keep going, keep paddling! I flipped the boat once and bailed and my boat and paddle went straight down the river, they retrieved the boat and the paddle and I got safely to shore and made my way back to the boat. And I made a friend! A young woman who is going to law school. I got her number and we’ll go kayaking together. The people in the video went when it was cold! No way no how am I adding cold temperatures to the adventure anytime soon. Summer air temperatures only. They also did fun controlled moves which I also did not attempt. I just went straight down as the water carried me trying not to flip over.

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