Today is Thursday and we were supposed to host the DC Martin Secret Santa gift exchange. Jeremy had been feeling bad since Saturday, but he thought he had caught Vince’s cold – Vince tested negative for Covid, so he (Jeremy) didn’t bother to test. By Wed night, he was feeling much better, had gone out to buy 16 people’s worth of frittata ingredients and coffee cake, but because the DC Martins are more cautious than most, Jeremy pulled out a test at about 7 pm on Wed night to just ease their concerns. After 15 minutes, he groaned and said – I have Covid. Argh, we need to cancel brunch/secret santa.

So then I tested (I felt fine) and it was not negative! I was so sure it was going to be negative, but Jeremy walked by this lame 30 minute test and said – there is a faint line, you have covid. I looked at it in disbelief. I’m like – I have covid too! Then the kids came home from the bookstore (Vince and Dani) and camp (Edda) and we tested them all and they were all on team negative.
Today – Thursday – I’ve spend the day in bed. Sometimes I feel sick/tired and other times, I feel fine. I think if I hadn’t seen the line, I probably would be up and about trying to work and play, but since I saw the line, I can convince myself I’m quite tired. No fever, no runny nose, just a tiredness.

Of course, it’s terrible timing, this beautiful quiet week. Sofie is in town next door and we spent some time together.

Playing our board games again.

I went out to the mall with Vince and Dani where I played the role of the mother and not the friend. Does this make any sense? It’s so weird to be the mother of a couple! I’m not used to it.

Dani had a $50 gift certificate to Build a Bear so we built bears.

We had a nice time together. Fun. And then we welcomed Covid Christmas #2. Not fun.

This is so ‘touching. ‘. A poor choice of words but a great choice from you re your ‘dilemmas,’. Challenges. Or just regular update which the auto correct typed ‘rhubarb’. I TRULY ENJOY THE REGULAR UPDATES OF JUST REGULAR FOLKS. IN many ways they are the polar aspects of opposites of my ‘regular’ life. 💓💕🔆😋‼️(I like emojis -duh).
I’m not used to Vince being old enough
To have any relationships outside of the nuclear family. Sigh.