About a year ago, someone said I was like a capybara and, at that time, I didn’t know what a capybara was and she said that capybaras are known for “calming presences and other animals love them” which I think is the highest compliment that anyone has ever given me. So I’ve been on the hunt for seeing a capybara live. I almost thought I could see one in Irvine CA. I was *this close* to seeing one in the St. Louis zoo. The internets is telling fake news – the list of capybaras is not up to date, so it’s hard to track them down. But I found this lovely plushie which I’m happily displaying. First, I displayed it too easily reachable by Elka and she found it and brought it to me and dropped it at my feet right in front of me, but did not destroy it (thank goodness). So I took the slightly slobbery stuffy and perched it up a little higher and it gives me great joy. But I’m still looking to see a live one. Maybe I’ll have to book a capybara safari. Hmmmm…