Such a social weekend. It’s a lot of fun, but also kind of exhausting. On Friday, we went to karaoke night at main street where to our astonishment, like everyone wanted to sing. And so after a delightful dinner of chicken parmesan, we listen and danced to lots of different songs like – Beyonce, Beatles, some children’s show tunes. The last song was the Beatles Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da and Jeremy, Edda and I danced and generally had a ball. We are slowly getting to know everyone – I have to ask everyone their names over and over again, but they happily obliged. They really need a premium youtube account to skip over the commercials.

Went for a run in the early morning on Saturday where the crab apple trees are in full bloom. These are my favorites over the cherry blossoms because they are my neighborhood tree.

Then we went to Nat’s baby shower party which was delicious and fun. Ning and Nat took care of Edda as they do each time the three of them get together.

They are going to name the baby Leon – they like the lion sounding part of the name – Leo. Nat looks fantastic! And the cake delicious.

There was a very funny trivia game with shouting and a nail-biting tie breaking last question.
Also – as a footnote, as it’s been freaking me out ever since it happened, Nat, kind of mid-party was talking to Ning and I was watching them from the couch across the room because they were flanking Edda and it became clear that Nat was choking on her food and there was no sound from her and she stood up in distress. So I crossed the room and for the first time in my life, I did the Heimlich maneuver on someone. And I was very scared because I had to go to the 4th or 5th thrust before the food dislodged and the entire time I was doing this, I was like – this thing better work because they told me it would work, but it’s not working, it’s not working, it’s not working and I was calling out to Jeremy because I wanted someone taller to make the thrusts more forcefully upwards, but then the damn piece of meat came out and everyone was fine. And everyone was fine.

And then we went home for an hour and rested and then we ran across the street to our neighbors’ house. They were throwing a house cooling party as they just sold their house for an incredible (dare I say unbelievable) amount of money and they also had delicious munchies. It was such a beautiful day and they did an enormous amount of renovating to such a small house – I’d never been inside, but imagine that you opened the front door of a house and it looked like Pottery Barn, but better with solar panels and two Teslas outside. I thought we would stay an hour, but I think we stayed three. We got to bring Elka over and she behaved beautifully, with small kids, elegant guests (which included a handheld dog named Dior who wore real pearls), coffee table snacks and wine glasses. She did not knock anything over, she did not pee in the house, and she didn’t eat any snacks on the low table, save for one falafel ball from my plate so maybe she thought that was OK as it was ours.

Oh, my gosh that is SO scary. I’m happy that you were able to get the piece of meat dislodged and that it worked, but what a scary experience and I’m so glad you were there and your nursing experience allowed you to stay cool under pressure.