Edda stayed home yesterday, a little under the weather. It was a marginal call, but I’m glad she stayed home. I gave her a spot of Motrin at breakfast and lunch and she was mostly happy during the day and not too bored. And then she took a long, deep nap in the middle of the afternoon. So long and so deep that I did the early infant thing of watching her chest rise and fall to make sure she was still alive.

My girls napping in my office. Jeremy was downtown all day, Ginny, our evening caregiver called out sick, so actually, it was a very quiet day at home. But I couldn’t settle and get to work really well. It was our first day in the 90s (or high 80s) and I had the house too warm and last week I got bit by some insects and I tend to be sensitive to these bites, so I feel swollen and itchy.

The NYTimes ran an article which said the best 25 restaurants in DC. And three are in Rockville! Rockville is the center of ethic food excellence and we don’t take that for granted at all. We’ve been to two out of the three and we’ll try the third one soon. But honestly, I’m baffled. This Z&Z restaurant replaced our beloved pizza place during the pandemic, but we don’t really like it. I mean, if we really loved it, we’d be eating there all the time! Like all the time! Because it’s like a 3 minute walk from the house. But we don’t. We really miss our pizza place. But we are old people now talking about the olden days. (It also does list our favorite high end spots – Pineapples and Pearls and Rasika. Both excellent and fun!)