Jeremy rode into work yesterday for a retreat (they flew people from his office in from all over the country), but then by mid-day he was feeling crummy having caught Edda’s cold. So he took the Metro home and I picked him up with his bike. But then he realized that he forgot his work computer at work. So, I think, he’s driving in to pick it up today.

He bought an even bigger monitor to replace the accidentally broken one. It’s like 4 “full screens”. He’s quite adept at using a large monitor, there are little secrets that maximizes/minimizes/searches, etc.

I moved my found-almost-dead-on-the-street fiddle leaf fig out onto our porch. I chopped off the top which was causing it to lean precariously over to one side and I hope to propagate it. I am propogating many plants in my house and Jeremy’s like – do you want more plants? And I said that I didn’t really, but in our neighborhood, there is a plant share stand where I will drop them off once the roots are formed.

I joined Rent the Runway for a monthly subscription because I am tired of wearing pants. Pants irritate me and so I end up just wearing my pajamas all the time all over town. And I have 17 hoodies which I wear all the time ever since I was 14 (so this is a hard habit to break), which is totally fine, but I really want to transition to dresses. But I don’t know which dresses I like. So I’m trying this rental thing to see if I can figure it out. I’ll be OK with going back to hoodies and leggings, but, you know, I want to try and up my game. Look at this shapeless, colorful thing I’m wearing today. A little too feminine. But I’ll roll with it.

Very nice look 😍. It’s good to play dress up and see how it adds dimension and change and just good vibes😍🥰😍🥰