Garfield’s lasagna Monday night dinner.


I got a text at noon from Vince today declaring that he wanted to make lasagna for dinner.  Why was he thinking about making dinner at noon during the school day?  I dunno, but I was totally up for having someone else make dinner.  He got home at three, looked up a recipe, drove me to the grocery store, got all the ingredients, learned to use the self checkout with the entered bonus/super saver card, paid for it with his credit card (really, my credit card with his name on it) and drove me home and then made dinner.  He explained that he was like Garfield, he hates Mondays and loves lasagna.   He also wanted to video record his cooking. 





This was an amazing lasagna. 


One thought on “Garfield’s lasagna Monday night dinner.”

  1. Wow, I stop reading the post for a few days and so much is happens. Vince is driving! That is so great. I know it is scary but what a useful skill to have.

    I'm sorry that those girls were making fun of Edda. I can only speak for myself but I might have gotten up and asked their parents to listen while I spoke to the girls about the challenges Edda, and your entire family face each daybecause they probably have no clue what Rett Syndrome is and why she may seem different to them but how wonderful it is when people are kind and helpful. I think we used to call those teaching moments. It is not okay for anyone to be unkind for any reason. Good manners and civilty have been lost over these last few years and I would like to see it come back. From our president on down to these girls. Besides mean girls totally suck! Somehow people need to gently be called on the carpet for that type of behavior. Otherwise they may think it is an okay way for them to behave and it is not. Edda certainly cannot do it. But she has feelings just like everyone so kindness should be the only way. All you can do is try and if those girls or their parents don't care then Fuck'em. So much for my civility.

    I am so sorry and sad that you have to have such a talk with Vince about the guns. But it is necessary. There is one gun for every single person in this country and more people you know own them than you realize. This being Texas we had to question all of Josh's friend's parents before he could go to their homes. But guns are everywhere. I grew up in a gun culture. They have always been a part of my life. Both of my brothers have been shot and my dad died due to a gun related/stress induced incident. They are simply no laughing matter. I used to love to shot and hunt but no more.

    We will be marching March 24th. I think this is a very, very important march to participate in. I am sure there will be one in your area if Vince is interested but I do not wish to put my ideas on others. This is a very personal choice. Especially for me. Until the day that I die I will work to try and help all those that have died and to get rid of assault rifles. I am willing, for all those kids sake at Sandy Hook and Parkland and really anyone, to give up my 2nd Amendment Right. I don't need it. I realize that is probably a dream but there are many of us who feel this way and there will be another shooting so I choose to dream big. It is a useless and unnecessary right. Being willing to give it up is the least I can do for all those who have died.

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