Tonight, we were making migas for dinner and Vince kept picking at his butt. I ask him over and over again if he needs to use the potty. NO! – that is his answer. We all eat dinner together and he gets down from his red chair to play with trains. Jeremy continues to talk about work. Then we hear an urgent message from Vince. “I need to go potty!” Three seconds later he was pulling his pants down and – hooray! – there is poop in the potty! We celebrate by going to get ice cream.
I’m ready – promotion!
I’m ready – promotion!
From the Spongebob movie.
Pics from the Ride…
Some pictures of our ride yesterday… Jason is the one fixing the bike next to me an Brian is in the other one riding his new ride.
Eating a Burrito…
Mmm mmm mmm. Greasy Goodness. I haven’t a good unhealthy burrito in a long long time. Yum.
Soap operas are great. Here’s a little snippet from today’s Days of our Lives.
Girl – “How do you think I felt? My mom was accused of killing all these people!”
Guy – “How do you think I felt?!? Most of those people your mom was accused of killing were my family!”
Girl – “But you weren’t there for me!”
Watching it snow
I’m practicing piano using my pretty new keyboard and at my teacher’s request, I’m playing with a metronome (which I’ve never done before) and also recording the songs I’m practicing. The piano has the necessary capabilities and it’s been fun. It’s true I can hear all my little rhythmn mistakes and sixteenth notes that are hesitant and uneven. But it is relaxing and calming. The piano is blocking the sliding glass door. So I practing while it’s snowing and raining and white and foggy outside. Vince was feeling much better this morning and went off to school cheerfully in his little froggy raincoat.
I’m feeling a bit lost.
Maybe it’s cause I’ve only had a GU packet and 2 Oreo’s to eat today…
I went mountain biking this morning but my head wasn’t really into it. Plus, I get tired pretty fast since I’m all flabby now from not having biked in 10 years. I had a good spill on my bike from doing a drop. I really made the drop okay, but sorta lost control on the post landing. Brian complemented me on how well I tucked and rolled.
My stress is still my usual stress – Job Stuff. But I have to go home and start packing up my things. I’m moving on Saturday! Woo Hoo!
Okay. I’ve spent enough time at Arif’s. I’m off to get lunch.
Dude, your links aren’t working. I manually fixed the ones in your first post.
Poo, number 2
Sigh, another poop into the leg of a pair of sweatpants. Since it’s so cold, I wanted him to wear some pants, so I thought sweatpants with no undies would be just as good as no pants. But it isn’t true.
The Minimalist: A Vegetarian Haiku in Four Dishes
From the NY Times:
In an article about japanese vegetarian cuisine and why one would want to not use meat in cooking.
“In Japan,” she said, “the idea of focusing on a small aspect of something and then exploding it into many possibilities is an appealing notion, in both life and aesthetics. Working in a limited set and not letting it inhibit you but allowing it to take you to another level is part of the pleasure. Think about using just ink and paper instead of the whole palette of colors and media in painting; in the same way, the limits of cooking with plants force me to be more creative, to explode, almost into infinity, all of the possibilities.”
Off to Play Bridge.
Well I’ve been in the library since about 2:45. Vicki’s been keeping me company but alas she left like an hour ago. I’ve been doing topcoder for he past 3 hours. Just practicing my Java. I really ought to be programming in C++, but I’m much more comfortable doing what I’ve been doing forever.
I’m off to Rich’s place tonight. It’s bridge night. I’m not really in the mood for it to be honest, but I’ll end up playing anyways.
Tomorrow, I’m going mountain biking with Brian and Jason. Brian’s off to singapore but not before he bought this. It should be muddy and fun. I haven’t been on my bike in literally weeks.
okay. I’m off. BK or MCD?