Surviving my first week with two kids. At home it’s pretty easy as Edda sleeps a lot and Vince does his own thing usually. Going out is another story. I’m glad my mom is going to be here next week. I got too ambitious yesterday so today I’m pretty sore.

Jeremy went to work today. We are doing OK. Made it to the library and tried to make it to playgroup, but no one was there. I think it is still spring break. Ruby ate some trash yesterday, so she’s throwing up weird stuff and pooping weird poop. Yikes! My soreness is going away! Hooray!

Ben is here in town to do his taxes. Vince watched a movie with Kathering (Microcosmos). We went to an art opening at the CC. Vince rode his trike over to the art center and ate cheese and soda.

Hmmm… busy weekend. On Thursday, started to schedule the c-section at my appointment with Stacey. Stayed over at the Martin’s on Thursdays. On Friday, eagerly awaited a call which would determine the date of the babe’s birthday, but nada. On Saturday, we went to Bard for the bagel run, Jeremy, Bob, Ruby and Vince came in first. I came in last. Katherine, Bob, Jeremy and Vince went to Westchester to buy Bob’s new Acura TL. The Honda, at the exact same moment died on River Road. We are wondering if it’ll ever start again. That night we went to Osaka for dinner and hung out. Yesterday, we just hung out at home getting a bit grumpy with each other. Called the parents and called Donald.

Hmmm… Had a week of Ruby check-up, Vince check-up. Stayed at the Martin’s house 2 nights this week. Jeremy went to an energy in China talk. Saturday, Jeremy entertained at the Martin’s house. Urlich and Claudia came over and had milk in the car for Jeremy’s cabbage dish. On Sunday, Jeremy and Ben worked on his taxes. Yesterday was a beautiful 50 degree day. Today looks as if it’ll snow a foot. Still waiting around

This weekend was a busy one. On Saturday, I went to recorder class and Jeremy, Vince and Bob went car shopping. Avalons, Camry, Mercedes. Ha! It’s a great thing. That night, we went to Asuka’s and Carrie’s for a pot luck. We brought chili and cornbread. It was Carrie’s annual celebration of her mother’s birthday. Kathy was there too and played with Vince quite a bit. On Sunday, we celebrated Vince’s 2nd birthday and Katherine made the most delicious eggplant dish with tomatoes and onions and a garlic yogurt sauce.