I really have nothing to say in this post. But I’m going to study now. Ta ta.
Maxi pad wearing toddler
So, it’s that time of the month and I’m in the bathroom minding my own business when Vince spies the box of maxi pads. He asks, “Mama, my underwear, please?” So I oblige and adhere one onto his tiny Bob the Builder underwear.
I am on. Folks
I am on. Folks.
Those crazy mountain bikers
So Paul Besser’s in town for AMD business. We ate lunch together with him at a local Japanese restaruant. He’s one of the beautiful people who went to Stanford; blonde and brawny. He told me that he’d been mountain biking on a trail in Santa Cruz that had trees fallen the long way on them, so you have to bike on the top of the of the log for 10 feet or so. And apparently the first time he went, he did it in the dark with a headlamp. Crazy! Bob and Katherine were coming in from NYC, so they also joined us for lunch. Katherine had gone to the wedding of a Bard faculty member and she characterized it as a Lallapalooza of a wedding. First, the groom’s answer to the question, “Do you take her in sickness and in health” was “How sick?” At the reception, there was a bubble machine, a dry ice machine, a kissing contest which involved blindfolding of the bride and groom and kissing by random people.
You’re a Superstar…
We had a birthday party for Judy last night in East Bay. It was pretty fun. We were over at the neighbor’s place and they had a whole karaoke setup there so everyone was singing. At the end of each song too, the machine rates you on a scale of 1-100 about how good your performance was. Some other dude and I jumped in there and our first song came out to be a 4! And everyone else is getting 90, 86, and 74. We totally were pissed and we decided that we’d get 90 by the end of the night. So we tried and tried and tried again. About 10 songs later we were stymied at 61 and losing hope that we’d every break 65. But then, on the very last song of the night – “I Just Called to Say I Love You” – we got 95! woo hoo! Everyone was excited for us. 🙂
Snow again.
It snowed again last night, not much, it looks like less than an inch. I can’t really tell because I haven’t been outside at all today. I’ve have too many hobbies that I’m persuing now:
Rowing (working towards that 1,000,000 meter mark!)
I’m trying to figure out how to recycle yarn from old wool sweaters. So if you have any dud sweaters out there, please let them find their way to me.
Does having kids count as a hobby?
The other boot
Katherine came over on her way to NY city and had blueberry coffeecake with us. She brought us over our tart pan, the other frog rain boot of Vince’s and our bottle of Zout! We are still moving out of her house. I think it will take her years to find everything we left in the Bard House. I was pleased to hear that Ruby’s puke of diaper cream (zinc oxcide) came out with vinegar (acetic acid). The cream had made a reverse stain of white on Katherine’s green carpeting. Im my parent’s house in Maryland, Ruby puked chocolate on white carpeting. Ruby has the stain gift.
The 2 Modern Wonders of the World
I’m speaking of course of The Internet and The Kitchen.
I get to post _from my bed_! Wow!
I got to _toast_ my bagel! Amazing!
There’s another half a wonder – laundry. It’s nice to have just downstairs. Oh yes. It’s nice to have heating too. Everyone is trying to be stingy on the heating. We are setting it at a chilly 60 degrees. For me, this is the tropics! Oh la la.
I’ve got 3 other roomies – Frank, Eon, and Andrew. They all seem pretty chill. Frank just moved to the Bay Area, so he’s pretty bored sometimes – like tonight. We both took a little excursion to Safeway and Ranch 99 in his new Mazda 3. It’s a nice car. I can’t wait for Choon to get his TSX.
Wow. I’m still in awe.
Goodbye Shack.
The Shack is dead. Long life the Shack.
Last night marked the end of The Era of The Shack. I packed last night for 4 short hours and that’s all i really needed. I don’t have a lot of stuff. I put everything into the car, went off to storage a picked up my futon this morning. The elevator to the storage place was out of commission so I had to haul my futon down 4 stories. ugh. I said hi to some people from The Bike Shop since it’s just downstairs from the storage place and I hauled everything off to my new digs. So it’s over. Honestly, I’m glad. Tho when I look back on it 10 years from now, I think I’ll still think more fondly of The Age of the Garage.
Turd Triumph!
Another great moment on the road to promotion from diaper clad toddler to potty trained pre-schooler. This morning Vincent calmly anounced his desire to evacuate, we proceeded to the loo, stripped down, mounted, and, without fanfare, made a deposit. Not much drama, but a great way to start the weekend. Of course a green gummy life saver marked the accomplishment.