Looking for a place to live. Saw a huge place ($1600) on a busy, busy street. I’ve been calling places left and right. Ugh. My phone phobia is retreating a little bit. Hmmm…. seeing places in Rhinebeck tomorrow. A friend’s cancer is back, she started her chemo yesterday.

Woke up and shimmied out of the house really quickly. We went to see a “luxury apt complex” opening in 2004 and what we saw was a bunch of firemen knocking through a wall of a house. Then we drove to Red Hook, dropped Vince off and went to see a house in Milan which was nice, but it really didn’t click. Then we went home via Target. No shoes for Vince, but a bunch of new socks. Dave came over for a chat. Seth came over to fix the tractor and mowed the lawn.

Busy day. Went to Jonathon and Christine’s house in the morning. Had lunch at a little league game. Went to Bard for an anything wash fundraiser for the Ghana project. Walked the kids. Tiring. Almost saw a place in Rhinebeck.

Yesterday we went to Coyote Grill with Caleb, Todd and Esther. It was actually not bad food and quite lively discussion. We also bumped into a red haired Seth, our landlord who wanted us to sign another year lease.

Last night was Girls’ Night Out at Eileen’s house. It was a lot of fun getting my feet soaked and pumiced. I bought a bunch of products, we’ll see how it goes. Edda gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks, an impressive gain and I signed up for piano lessons starting on Monday!

So Mom was here for a week or so and helped out tremendously with everything. She was great. We dropped her off in Albany last night and had dinner at the hotel and now it’s just back to me. Which is a bit of a trial. Hmmm… Jeremy’s trip went really, really well and it’s going to reach almost 90 degrees today. Wow!