We have been up at the Martin’s house all week this week. Sunday for the African party, Monday for the Chronogram party, Wed for tutoring, Thrusday for dr appt and then Friday and Saturday for a trip to NYC with Christine and the kids.

Snow, snow and more snow. Saturday got snowed in and we watched This Old House episodes. Sunday, we shoveled (well Jeremy shoveled) and changed out the tires to snow tires and we went to the Martins for Katherine’s birthday and had an African themed party!

Made macaroons for Thanksgiving. They were a big hit. Saw all the cousins and had a nice time. Saturday, we went to the Martins to see Andy and Margarite. That was nice also. Sunday, Jeremy went over to install speaker wire. We are on our 3rd day of no TV. It’ll be a challenge.

On Friday, Carrie came over at 10:30 and dropped off her goodies for Katherine. We hung out until Jeremy came home at noon and we all had lunch together until we headed out to Red Hook. We met Ira Jaffe and he’s very funny and did the sonogram. The baby looks good and seems to be a girl. That night, we ate at the Martins and pored over baby girl names. On Saturday, I went to see a movie with Carrie at the Galleria. Today we went to West Point and saw parachuters practicing. It was quite exciting.

Cindy came over today and Jeremy took 1/2 day off and while Vince slept, we all hung around and talked about work. It was so nice to see her and have some quiet time to talk to her and get her take on being an expat. We got so much in the mail today. My recorder came back recorked, we got a weird package from Ruth, we got Cooking Light and the New Yorker. No bills! Yah!

Had a nice holiday potluck, invited about 30 people and 3 groups of people came. About the size of potluck that I had wanted. Also, Jeremy’s parents and Dad was there too. A nice way to end the weekend.

Wed night, tutoring happened, Bob had gone into New York to go to the Bard Festival Gala. It was the first day that Vince really requested items that were not in his view, like an egg at 2 in the afternoon and then a bath at 4. We both were very pleased with our ablilty to communicate with each other. Today we went to the playgroup and I was unusually social and introduced myself to at least 4 other moms. Then I came home, Dad was already here and we spent a nice afternoon together. In the evening, we went to the Eveready Diner.