It rained today and I wanted to do so many outdoor things, but it just wasn’t possible. We went to the house and measured for the sun room, went to the bookstore where Vince spilled a bottle of powdered pink lemonade. Then we went to Rhinebeck and ate at Fosters, looked for a dress.

I’m writing this from the Red Hook library, my first public computer entry. Today Vince and I went to Goodwill and bought two coats. Then we went to Hannoford and had a blast driving their car shopping cart and sharing a chicken salad wrap. Then we went to the Children’s Museum where there were a ton of kids in the park running around and Vince joined in. Very cute. Last night Vince talked to Dad on the phone. They had a real conversation.

Just went to Shawn Pratt’s office to sign our house papers… We are about 6 weeks away from owning the house. Last night I made the most delicious falafel dinner. I’m impressing myself with my cooking.

My cooking is getting better and better. I’m responsible for Tuesday and Thursday cooking. Tonight, I made stir fry pork with rosemary, red onions and olive oil. A salad with garbanzo beans, peas, red onions, feta, alfalfa sprouts, cucumber and avacado with a yogurt, cucumber and dill sauce. And then couscous and pita to round out the dinner!

I picked up Elena at the Rhinebeck car repair shop early this morning. It was so nice to be up and out by 7:30, I was in such a good mood, I didn’t pay attention to where I was going, so I got lost on the way to Rhinebeck. Then I opened an account for Vince… We spent a good deal of time outside, I spoke with Jessica today. I thought she had lost her job, but it turns out she got another job in the same place.

Today I went to see Carrie’s new Accord. Fancy, it has a navagation system that tells you how to get to different places and it has leather seats and everything. We went on errands and Vince especially loved the liquor store where they had a little cart you could drive around in…