Death of a Mixer.

Tonight, I made some scrumptious blueberry muffins for the bridge party tomorrow. (Thanks Ja$ for the recipe.) I dutifully mixed together the dry ingredients. I put all the wet ingredients together. Dumped the wet into the dry and went to turn on my beloverd KitchenAid mixer that Doris and Jeremy gave me when they left California, and sadly, nothing.

No LED light. No nothing. 🙁

I tried another outlet, but to no avail. I guess it got trashed in the move somehow. I’m sad.

Busy summer weekend.

Started at home with Pua pua visiting.


Then we went on a road trip to upstate NY to the other set of grandparents.

Rest stop action.


The next day, we explored Tivoli, NY. They have a new yarn shop (Fabulous Yarns, fabulously expensive and closed).


Ruby tried out the dog hitch in front of the post office.


Vince and Edda had loads of friends come over.



Kiki found this lawn croquet set.


Edda loved kicking the balls through the hoops.


Spent Sunday afternoon at the New Brunswick, NJ Rett Clinic. Saw some doctors and nutritionists, gave them all of Edda’s medical records. Met oodles of other girls with Rett Syndrome. Vince was great waiting in the waiting area for more than 4 hours.


Took over 6 hours to get home on 95, we got home at midnight. Did not learn our lesson, avoid 95 at all costs. Poor Ruby got to spend 12 hours in the back of our station wagon.



Nothing much continues.

A lot of the interesting stuff that is happening these days is job stuff which I know I’m not suppose to blog about in detail. But our days tend to go like this:

1. Wake up
2. Turn on TV for the kids
3. Try and make Vince eat something for breakfast – but he can’t eat in front of the TV even though it’s on. I know, tough.
4. Drive Vince to camp.
5. Computer/phone/paperwork time (9 am – 3:30 pm) or playing online Scrabble if fed up with job prospects or celebrating a nice email or phone call from a person who might give us money in exchange for some labor. (Jeremy celebrates with a fruit Popsicle and researching electronic gadgetry on the web and I indulge with a useless trip to Target – window shopping only.)
6. Some therapy appointments for Edda.
7. Get Vince.
8. Eat dinner.
9. Go to bed.

Nothing exciting, we are still unemployed and unpaid. (Notice TV never turns off, we have gone over to the dark side.)

Look, I put on some office clothes today.


I look 3 months pregnant in this outfit and what’s with the bohemian bag with the leather briefcase? Sigh. I need to find me some fashion sense.